Capturing Cambridge
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East Road Infants, 1901 (Cambridgeshire Collection)

East Road – Mapping Relief

East Road - Mapping Relief

The Cambridge Charity Organisation Society was founded in 1889 and aimed to help the ‘really deserving poor’. At Cambridgeshire Archives, we have nearly 3000 applications for relief from those within Cambridge and beyond. A recent project aimed to look at the demographics of those applying; looking at the variety of occupations within the city as well as the age spread. These were plotted across the city and the data here shows the numbers of applicants per street in Cambridge whilst including information regarding their occupation and age. For access to these records or any further questions, please contact Cambridgeshire Archives on

East Road

Barnwell Coffee Palace, East Road

Britannia Place, East Road

Caroline Place, East Road

Cheddington or Chiddenton’s Hill, East Road

Compasses Passage, East Road

Crane’s Lodging House, East Road

Friendly Place, East Road


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