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J. C. Mumford grocer & tea dealer Huntley & Palmers biscuits packaging paper. Image courtesy Gwydir Street Friends.

125 Fitzroy Street

History of 125 Fitzroy Street

James Clements Mumford, grocer, 125 Fitzroy Street is listed in the Cambridge Directory for 1866.

The Huntley & Palmers biscuits packaging paper in this image above from J. C. Mumford Family Grocer & Tea Dealer was found under the floorboards at 125 Gwydir Street by residents in 2024. Perhaps the family of Thomas Phillips who was a railway timekeeper living at 125 Gwydir Street between 1881-1901 frequented the Mumford family shop.


25.05.1906 Cambridge Independent Press: BODY FOUND IN THE RIVER AT CAMBRIDGE. About five o’clock this (Friday) morning, the body of middle-aged man named Arthur James Mumford, grocer, of 125, Fitzroy-street…

Arthur James Mumford was aged 42.



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