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75 & 77 Chesterton High Street with Arthur's Buildings

127 – 137 (79 – 89, Arthur’s Buildings) Chesterton High Street

History of Arthur's Buildings

Arthur’s Buildings [next to P] in OS 1901 map


1913 Arthur’s Buildings

89 Robert Beard, labourer

87 Mrs Gauge, sweet shop

85 Robert Stanford, printer

83 George Masters

81 Mrs Wilson

79 Samuel Fordham, labourer

At no.81 lived Stephen Wilson. He kept a greengrocer’s shop there, for which he grew much of his produce on a nearby allotment and a smallholding in Arbury Road. Until 1948 he used a horse and cart. (Images of England, Chesterton, Chesterton Local History Group)

81 Chesterton High Street, Stephen Wilson

In the 1950s the houses were replaced by flats.



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