Capturing Cambridge
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An Introduction to I AM Cambridge

Inclusion and Access in Cambridge

Disability History Month in Cambridge is 18th November until 18th December. The theme is Access: How far have we come? How far have we to go?

We are dedicating Disability History Month 2021 to gathering, sharing, celebrating, campaigning and archiving experiences of inclusion and accessibility in Cambridge. Raising awareness to bring about change through stories, memories, history and the arts.
We would love to share written pieces, poems, songs and music, films and stories, real life or fiction, and will be posting both Cambridge-based and nationwide arts and cultural contributions.
Please email Ariadne, Community Development Officer at Cambridge City Council to contribute

To acknowledge the theme and the importance of access for disabled people and those with a sensory impairment, this year we are branding DHM as Inclusion and Access Month Cambridge (I AM Cambridge).

National Disability History Month states that they will be developing and sharing a wide range of resources to:


Do you have any information about the people or places in this article? If so, then please let us know using the Contact page or by emailing

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