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Mill Road looking east; entrance to Mill Road cemetery foreground; junction with Emery Street mid ground left. Locomotive PH right foreground.

44 (4) Mill Road, The Locomotive (The British Admiral) (The Admiral)

History of 44 Mill Road

The Locomotive is right foreground in the photo.

Before 1839: The Admiral

1842 The Admiral

John Toakley

The Admiral, 1842, (Cambridgeshire Archives)

This was one of the many properties sold off at the time of James Nutter’s bankruptcy in 1842.

1851 Peter Davey (Gardner’s)

1852 Peter Davies (Slaters Directory)

1861 (4)

Jonas Butler, publican, 49, b Cambs
Rebecca Butler, wife, 45, b Harston
Joseph Burgess, lodger, general labourer, 36, Fowlmere
William Chamber, lodger, painter, 22, b Downham

1866-1869 John Wilson (Post Office Directory)

1871 (4)

John Barton, publican, 50, b Cambridge
Jessie Barton, 54, b Dullingham

1879 Charles Lamberton (Kellys)

1881 (4)

James Charles Lamberton, inn keeper, 48, Kent
Elizabeth Lamberton, 42, b Cambridge
Rosa Osborn, niece, 13, b London
Alice Stearn, servant, 18, b Great Shelford

1883 James Charles Lamberton (Kellys)

1888 Richard G Johnson (Kellys)

1891 (4) The Locomotive

Elizabeth Lamberton, 48, licensed victualler, b Cambridge

Henry John Woods, boarder, 15, scholar, b Huntingdon

1892 Fred Woods (Kellys)

1896 Frederick Osborne (Kellys)

1901 The Locomotive

Harry Mayling, 27, licensed victualler, b Bucks

1902 1.7.1902 CDN: MIDNIGHT RAID On a Cambridge Public house Sequel at the Police Court.

At the Cambridge Borough Police Court this (Tuesday) morning, before the Mayor (Alderman Kett) presiding, and other magistrates, Charles Wright, the landlord of the Locomotive public house, Mill-road, was summoned for having on .June 15th kept open his licensed premises for the sale of intoxicating liquors after 11 o’clock. Mr. G. Todd appeared to prosecute, and defendant was represented by Mr. O. Papworth. Defendant pleaded not guilty.

P.C. Leonard Savidge stated that having finished his duty on the night of Saturday, June 14th, he was returning home along Mill-road at 12.40 a.m. Sunday, June. 16th. When opposite the Locomotive public-house be heard voices in the place, and also the noise caused by the rattling of money. Witness went back to the Police Station and informed Acting-Inspector Baker, who then accompanied him back to the house. They arrived about 1.10 a.m., and again listened. Acting-Inspector Baker posted a constable in front the house, while he and witness went to the back door, which was open. Witness went into the passage, and from room on the left-hand aide heard voices proceeding. He went into the room where he saw the landlord and seven other men sitting round the table. Witness noticed that on the table there was a pack of playing cards, four glasses containing beer, and three small liquor glasses, which were empty. The inspector said to the landlord, “What are these men doing here this time of night?” The landlord replied, “They are all lodgers.” Witness said to a man named Prince, You don’t lodge here,” and the man admitted that he did not. The names and addresses of the men in the house were, taken. One man, named Hart, was found to be a lodger in the house. As soon as witness entered the room man named Randail was discovered to have some money in his hand. It consisted of three shillings, sixpence, and sixpence in coppers. When witness asked Randall how he accounted for the money he replied, “I gave the landlord a five-shilling piece to pay for drinks all round, and this is the change gave back.” Randall added, “That was before 11 o’clock, though.” The landlord, referring to the men present, said, “These are Hart’s friends; I asked them to stay because it was raining.” After some further conversation, witness and Acting-Inspector Baker left the house. As they did so the landlord stated that the men in the house certainly would not leave. The men were still in the house when witness and Acting- Inspector Baker left. About 7 a.m. witness came out in plain clothes to find out whether the men had given their right names and addresses. One name, found, was not correctly given.

Acting-Inspector Baker corroborated the evidence of the previous witness, and supplied the names and addresses given by the men found in the Locomotive. They were : George Prince, carpenter, of 47, Cavendish-road; Albert Whitman, stonemason., 176, Gwydir-street; Charles Lilley, employed in the G.K.R. Loco. Department, 5 Vinery-road; Tom Tookey, carpenter’s apprentice, 123, Gwydir-street; Thos. Hart, stonemason, lodging at the Locomotive; Austin Thomas Don, stonemason, 39, Devonshire-road; and Frederick Randall, bricklayer, 139, Mill-road. Witness added that he subsequently discovered that all the names were correct, with the exception of that of Randall, whose correct name was Landor, and his address was 151, Mill-road.

For the Defence. Mr. Pap worth submitted that although the persons referred were found on the premises, and were there before closing hours, that did not bring defendant within the section under which the prosecution was taken. He contended that, according to the section, the magistrates must be satisfied that the house was open for the purpose of allowing persons to pass in and out. The only thing that had been proved was that persons were in the house. There was no evidence that any drinking was going after 11 o’clock. Defendant could have been charged under another section with another offence, but, as it was, he was merely charged with keeping open the premises for the sale of intoxicating liquors. These men were in the house as the friends of Hart, who was a lodger in the house, and he submitted that the landlord was committing no offence by having them there.

The defendant gave evidence. He stated that he had been the landlord of the Locomotive for six months. Previous to the night in question Hart been lodging at the house for ten days. On June 14th, the Saturday, Hart was at home in the evening. At ten minutes to eleven o’clock he asked the witness whether “two or three, or four or five,” or “a few” of his friends could stay after eleven. Hail informed witness that his birthday took place the following week, and that he wished to “keep it up.” Witness said, “You perfectly understand that if they stay do stay you alone shall pay for drinks.” Hart said, “I perfectly understand that.” Witness added. “You will sit in the kitchen.” At ten minutes to eleven six of the glasses were filled. Landor paid for these drinks. When the policemen entered witness told them that the men present were the lodger’s (Hart’s) friends. As the police were leaving witness said, “I can’t ask them to go until lodger asks them to. They are his friends.” He did not say “These are all lodgers.” They remained in the houoe for three-quarters of an hour after the police had left. Hart slept in the house that night, and one of the masons stayed with him. As far as witness knew the back door was closed on Saturday night. No one came into the house after 11 o’clock, and drinks were supplied after then.

Answering Dr. Cooper, defendant denied that said “These are Hart’s friends. I asked them stay because of the rain.”

Thomas Hart, stonemason, the lodger at the Locomotive, went into the box.

Dr. Cooper: When is your birthday?—Witness; July 19th. Proceeding, witness stated that he asked the landlord to allow a few of his friends to stay in the house after closing time, ‘‘because it was raining so hard.” He said, “It is my birthday in a day or two; will keep it up to-night.” The land lord said, ” If you keep your friends you must not allow them to pay for any drinks.” Not a drop was drunk.

Austin Thomas Dore, 39, Devonshire-road, and Albert Scales, of 3. Bird’s-passage, who deposed to locking the back door of the public-house at 11 o’clock, also gave evidence.

At the conclusion of a short consultation with the other magistrates. the Mayor said they were satisfied that the case had been proved, and defendant would be fined £5 and the costs. £1 13s. His licence would not be endorsed.

George Prince, Charles Lilley, Austin Thomas Dore, and Tom Tookey were summoned for having been, on June 15th, unlawfully found on licensed premises during a period when such premises were required to be closed.

All defendants pleaded guilty.

The Chief Constable stated that the defendants gave their correct names, and that nothing was known against them.

Dr. Cooper: I think they were let into it by the landlord.

The Mayor said that although the defendants were liable to a fine of 40s. and costs, the magistrates would mark their sense of the offence by fining them only 1s. each.

1904 Joseph Streeter (Kellys)

1913 Joseph Streeter (Spalding)

1916 James Brown (Kellys)

1933 Frederick Charles Phillips (Kelly’s)

1962 The Locomotive Tavern

44 Mill Road (2014 David Betts)


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