Solomon Schecter lived here whilst he was Reader in Rabbinics. (email from AK 2023)
A letter written by Schecter from this address survives (Jewish Quarterly Review Vol.94 No.1)
24 Glisson Road Cambridge
Sunday February 16, 1902
Dear Abrahams,
Thanks for the proofs which is all they had in hand from me in Oxford. You will have them returned corrected and arranged in proper order and prefaced by descriptions at the middle of next week P. G. I think that I will take MSS with me to keep me going for the next year. It is especially the Geonic literature in which I am interested.
Of course I will give you a testimonial. But you must give me your promise that you will devote yourself for the next three years entirely to Rabbinic literature Hatakha + Aggadah. You must excuse my frankness with you, but this is a Rabbinic Chair, and the first thing which will be required from you is not Hellenism or English history, but the exposition of Rabbinic texts. We must not forget that men like Taylor, Chapman & Barnes are not “Amei Ha’aretz” [ignoramuses] and know as much Rabbinics as the regular London Ministers who are in theJews College. Of Biblical Hebrew they know infinitely more. It would be thus a calamity if they find that the Rab. Reader makes mistakes, or is not able to answer their letters when they ask for information. You must excuse my being so frank with you. But the whole future of Rab. Studies in England is largely depending on this Chair,and nothing less than the beat will do. I wanted to talk with you about it, but was not well enough to come down to London last week. Yours sincerely, S.S.
Lt-Col Barnet William Beales, V.D. Councillor of the Borough [lived at 37 Sidney Street aged 6]. His business premises were at 42 Sidney Street.
Cambridgeshire Society for the Blind
Miss E Arnold matron of home for elderly blind
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