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99 / 103 Gwydir Street, Brewer’s Arms

History of the Brewer's Arms

1871 unnumbered


Benjamin Finch, 23, railway porter, b Suffolk

Elizabeth, 23, b Suffolk


David Watts, 29, striker engine smith, b Cambridge

Elizabeth, 28, b Beds

Brewers Arms:

James C Turfs, 43, brewer, b Cambridge

Susan, 39, b Burwell

Charlotte M Phillipe, 14, servant, b Middlesex

James Brett, lodger, 82, gardener, b Kneesworth



Walter H Curry, head, 28, signal fitter railway, b Essex

Harriett, wife, 25, b Norfolk

Edward H, son, 4, scholar, b Cambridge

Alfred William, son, 3, b Cambridge

Walter L, son, 10m, b Cambridge

(101) uninhabited

(103) Brewers Arms

James Ellwood, head, 38, carpenter, b Stretham

Rachel M, wife, 39, b Stretham

Walter, son, 11, b Cambridge

Ernest, son, 9, b Cambridge



Robert S Alderson, head, 38, plasterer, b Yorks

Isabella, wife, 35, b London

Richard J, son, 7, b Kent

(101) to let

(103) Brewers Arms

Rachel M Ellwood, head, widow, 45, publican, b Stretham

Ernest, son, 19, publican assistant, b Cambridge

1899 CIP 6.10.1899

Charles Tiplady (16) of 101 Gwydir Street admitted stealing 6d of walnuts from the orchard of George White in Malta Road on the 2nd inst. …. Tiplady was fined 15s.

1900 CIP 20.7.1900 The Band and the Singers

THE BAND AND THE SINGERS. A jury was sworn in the case of Foulger v. Askham. This was a claim by Arthur Henry Foulger, a licensed victualler, of the Brewers’ Arms. Gwydir-street, who is also the director of a string band, against Thomas Askham, coach builder, of Newmarket-road, who is the proprietor of Tudor’s New Circus of Varieties, Auckland-road, Cambridge, for £17, the price alleged to have been agreed upon for the hire of band of five performers for three weeks —Dr. J. Cooper (instructed Mr Ernest Vinter) appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Collin (of Messrs. Francis, Francis and Collin) was for the defendant.—His Honor asked what the issues were. Mr. Collin said the defendant absolutely denied any agreement for three weeks. In the alternative, if such an agreement was found, he contended that the defendant was entitled to dismiss him for incompetence.—The plaintiff said that defendant agreed to engage him for three weeks certain at £8 10s. per week. All of the band were competent players. After the matinée performance on Saturday afternoon witness asked the defendant for payment of the week’s wages. He paid on account. Witness asked him if he was satisfied with the band, and he said he was perfectly satisfied with it—it was the best band they had had. He paid witness the remainder of the money, £3 10s., in the evening. On Sunday night, the 10th June, defendant’s son went to witness’s house and told witness that his services would not be required for the next week. Witness asked for what reason, and he said that they had a London band coming. They were perfectly satisfied with him, but added it was the manager’s doing.—Cross-examined : The only complaint witness heard during the week was from an “inferior” lady artiste. She could not sing, and had no music, which made it impossible for the band to accompany her correctly.—His Honor: She had no voice, I suppose. (Laughter).—Witness : Quite true, your Honor—Dr. Cooper : I suppose she was; the “variety.’’— Witness, continuing, said the artiste complained every night. The defendant did not ask witness to see the manager during the week, and he did not say the band was unsatisfactory.—Edward Finch, of Short-street, a member of the band, produced a memorandum he made at the time to his engagement on June 2nd, for three weeks, as a member of the band. He was to have £1 12s. 6d. weekly. There were no complaints about their performance. He should expect his money for the two weeks after they were told they were not wanted again.—Another member of the band deposed to having a three weeks’ engagement.— Ellis Johnson, a bricklayer, stated he heard defendant’s son say that and his father were satisfied with the band. Defendant deposed to having acquired the circus. Plaintiff had previously asked him to employ his band, and he communicated with him when he decided to open the building. It was settled that plaintiff’s band should come on Whit-Monday, but no definite engagement was made. He (defendant) was to pay £8 10s. for the week. There were a great many complaints about the band, and frequently complained about it to plaintiff. When Jenny Lynn was singing the hand was stopped and the lady’s sister accompanied her. He believed this occurred three nights. He paid Jenny Lynn £10 a week. The band was without a proper leader that week. When the band was paid on Saturday evening, he told plaintiff that there were many complaints that the band would not be required any longer. Three weeks previously he had advertised for a London band.—Cross-examined : The arrangements were made on June. He did not remember plaintiff saying he wanted an engagement for three weeks certain. No length of time was agreed to—it would have been for a year if the band had suited. He knew that his manager had inserted an advertisement in the Era for another band, but he need not have engaged one.—Sam France, ring-master under Mr. De Villers, said that plaintiff came about a contract, and Mr. De Villers wanted him to sign, but plaintiff said would not, because there was something he did not like. The contract was left over until Saturday. Nothing was said about three weeks’ engagement. He did not consider the band was satisfactory.—Arthur Askham, son of defendant, said that Saturday evening plaintiff inquired if there were any further orders for the next week, and defendant said that he should not want him again. When he saw plaintiff the next day he said that j London band was coming, and plaintiff said . that if the leader wanted a’cornet should bo 1 glad come to play. He said nothing about hiving been engaged for three weeks. He came to the Circus the next evening, and said that the cornet player was not so good was. He said that under other circumstances should not have troubled, but now he should “go for something.’’ Edward George Turner, who showed the living pictures at the Circus, complained that the band did not play at all whilst his pictures were on three performances, but after he asked the leader for the band to play, they did so.—The Jury at once returned a verdict for tha plaintiff.—His Honor said that he had not the slightest doubt of the correctness of the verdict, and gave judgment accordingly.



Edward G Carpenter, 25, cabman groom, b Cambridge

Ada E, 21, b Dry Drayton

Elsie A, 1, b Cambridge

Eliza, 2 mos, b Cambridge


George E Tiplady, 42, tailor, b Cambridge

Mary E, b Kent

Alexander, 12, b Cambridge

Edwin A, 10, b Cambridge

Lilian A, 8, b Cambridge

Dora E, 7, b Cambridge

Frank A, 6, b Cambridge

Erni R, 4, b Cambridge

Wilfred A, 2, b Cambridge

Minnie, 6 mos, b Cambridge


George Norman, 53, beer house keeper, b London

Sarah, 60, b Lincs

1902 9.5.1902 CDN Report on inquest at the Brewer’s Arms Gwydir Street into the death of Norah May Tiplady, 4 month old daughter of George and Mary Tiplady. The deceased was one of twins. Post mortem found lungs congested, signs of inflammation and extensive signs of tuberculosis.

1904 7.10.1904 CIP: A ROW AT A GWYDIR STREET PUBLIC HOUSE. At the Cambridge Police-court on Tuesday, a man named John Smith (24), 48, Kingston street, described as an instrument maker, was charged with being disorderly and refusing to quit the Brewer’s Arms, Gwydir-street, on September 26th.

Mr. G. A. Wootten, who appeared for Mr. Owen Taylor, the landlord, said defendant went to the inn about 7.30 p.m. and was served with a glass of beer. He commenced abusing a man named Kett who was sitting in the room, and used such bad language that the landlord was obliged to call him to order. He called for more drink, and that was refused. Defendant was about to seize some beer belonging to another man, and when he objected defendant threw the beer in his face. A scuffle and a general fight ensued. Defendant declined to quit the premises, although requested several times, and a policeman was sent for. When the constable arrived the defendant had gone.

This statement was borne out in evidence by Owen Taylor, the landlord; Herbert Kett, painter, Gwydir-street; William Anderson, labourer, 24, Hooper-street; and William Mitchell, Norfolk-street.

Defendant was also charged with assaulting William Anderson. Complainant said defendant threw the beer in his face. He also pushed him against a bench, injuring his ribs, and was obliged to obtain medical advice and attention.

For the first offence defendant was fined £1, and for the second 5s., and allowed a fortnight to pay.

1909 CIP 5.2.1909: Summons Withdrawn: Thomas Sadler publican of the Brewers Arms Gwydir Street was summoned for assaulting his wife, Frances Blackett Sadler. Mr C P Jones appeared for the complainant who asked permission to withdraw the summons. The Magistrates granted the application.



David Lines, 28, parcels porter, b London

Alice, 38, b Fulbourn


Samuel Thoday, 36, draper’s porter, b Willingham

Ada Alice, 38, college bedmaker’s help, b Berks

Sidney Edward, 9, b Oxon

Ernest Stanley, 7, b London


Thomas R Clarke, 34, publican, b Bristol

Constance, 24, assistant in business, b London

Harry E G, 4.5, b London

Edith Horner, mother in law, 45, assistant, b London


(99) Frank Edward Kempton, bricklayer

(101) Samuel Matthews, GER servant

(103) Brewer’s Arms

1914 CIP 18.9.1914: Joined the Second Army: Frederick Barnes, 43, licensed victualler, Brewers Arms, Gwydir Street

1937 Brewers Arms

George Mears

CWN 8.4.1982:

At one time the elephants coming to perform in the circuses on Midsummer Common were billeted in the stables at the back of the old Brewer’s Arms


Brewer’s Arms PH

1970 (99/103)

Brewer’s Arms PH


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