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20-22 St Barnabas Road

22 St Barnabas Road, Jersey

History of 22 St Barnabas Road

Doris Shillington Scales ‘Jottings by an Octogenarian’ on the first decade of the 20th Century in Cambridge in national Trust Centre Magazine No.35 October 1976 pp.14-18:

An early inhabitant of St Barnabus Road, daughter of the Registrar at Addenbrookes, gives an impression of what life must have been like at the turn of the century in this new suburb only a short walk from the open countryside:

We lived in St Barnabus Road, in the second of four houses, the first two being named Guernsey and Jersey, after which geographical knowledge ran out. There were vacant building plots right, lift and opposite then new houses came … Down the road came at intervals the muffin man and the Spaniard with his black beret and onions; the knife grinder with his tricycle; and the King St, red and white poled sweeps with their black faces – father and son … A country walk was by way of Romsey Town which ended with a gate and field path to Cherry Hinton.




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