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Impington Village College

History of Village College

Listed building:

Comprehensive school, built as village college. 1938-9 by Walter Gropius and E Maxwell Fry for Cambridgeshire County Council.

Interiors. The unmoulded walls, many without skirtings, reflects the conscious simplicity of the design. Original doors survive throughout. Assembly hall with folded plaster ceiling incorporating square vents, timber floor and stage front. Promenade lined with lockers. Adult common room lined in plywood. Plaque commemorates the donation of the adult wing by the Directors of Chivers and Sons Limited. At the entrance another plaque commemorates the donation of the site of Impington Village College in memory of John Chivers 1857-1929.

Interiors. The unmoulded walls, many without skirtings, reflects the conscious simplicity of the design. Original doors survive throughout. Assembly hall with folded plaster ceiling incorporating square vents, timber floor and stage front. Promenade lined with lockers. Adult common room lined in plywood. Plaque commemorates the donation of the adult wing by the Directors of Chivers and Sons Limited. At the entrance another plaque commemorates the donation of the site of Impington Village College in memory of John Chivers 1857-1929.


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