Capturing Cambridge
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Cambridge County High School For Boys circa 1900

Cambridge & County High School for Boys / Hills Road Sixth Form College

Notes on Cambridgeshire High School

Pevsner’s Cambridgeshire notes that the original building was by MacAlister & Tench, neo-Tudor brick, in 1903. Additions were made in 1924 and 1928 by H H Dunn, and in 1935 by S E Unwin.

County School, Cambridge

Historical information about the school can be found here:

The College and Lodge are Buildings of Local Interest

1903 25 Sep. (from the newspaper)

The Cambridge & County School for Boys, which during the past four years has been very insufficiently accommodated at St Columba’s Hall, reached an important stage in its career. The builders were displaced by the boys at the new school house that has been erected upon Hills Road and henceforth the scholars will participate in the manifold advantages that the most approved educational equipment, utilised amidst ideal surroundings, can supply. Few buildings can possess such a curious means of access. The boys are to make their entrances by means of a slope leading into the basement where they can leave their bicycles, hats and coats before climbing a broad staircase to the ground floor.

Cambridge and County High School Roll of Honour

Peter J Kerry school cap:

P J Kerry: Boys High School cap

P J Kerry: Boys High School cap

P J Kerry: Boys High School cap

P J Kerry, The Limes Sawston


HQ ‘B’ Coy 5 Cambs Bn

WWII ARP instructions for boys

Cambridge Boys High School admission form

Cambridge High School for Boys admission form notes

Cambridge High Schhool for Boys, parental undertaking form for P J Kerry

Cambridge High School for Boys Regulations

Cambridge High School for Boys Regulations

Cambridge High School for Boys Regulations

Cambridge High School for Boys Regulations

Cambridge High School for Boys magazine

Order form Cambridge High School for Boys

Cambridge high School for Boys, 1940, P J Kerry entry documents

Cambridge high School for Boys, 1940, P J Kerry entry documents

Cambridge high School for Boys, 1940, P J Kerry entry documents

Cambridge high School for Boys, 1940, P J Kerry entry documents

Brinley Newton-John, Headmaster of the Cambridgeshire High School for Boys – today Hills Road Sixth Form College


Former pupils from this site include:

Martin Amis

Alison Balsom

Syd Barrett

Sir John Bradfield

Roger Waters

Pages 17 & 30 of the following web site on popular music in Cambridge in the 1960s has a short overview of those students at the school involved in the scene:

This was the meeting place of the 7th Cambridge Scouts 1930s to 1950s


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