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Marjory Stephenson, Romsey House

274 Mill Road, Romsey House, Romsey Town Institute

History of 274 Mill Road


By 1908, when he died, William Edmund Carey was living here. He and his wife had previously lived at Mostyn House on Brooklands Avenue.

At this time, Coleridge Road was called Romsey Avenue.

See Mill Road Cemetery entry

Romsey House, Mill Road


Romsey Town Institute

William Biggs, secretary

J Matthew, caretaker


Suffragettes meeting in Romsey, Cambridge. May 1914


Earle H Durnford

Annie Durnford

Marjory Stephenson, 1885-1948, biochemist

Herbert Ernest Woodman


Graydon Archibald McCullum

Beatrice McCullum

Marjory Stephenson

1962 vacant

EF 2021


EF Language Schools


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