F T Unwin in A Cambridge Childhood Revisited refers to George Pope as ‘the pram musician’. He also refer’s to Chatty Collins’ Barber shop, at the front of the picture.
Arthur Silvester, ice cream merchant
Robert Collins, hairdresser
A Odell, carman
Thomas Harvey
William Childs
E Joselyn
Alfred Grosvenor, labourer
Richard Barham, b 1888, painter
Dorothy P Barham, b 1910
John Jones, b 1932
Dorothy Jones, b 1932
Harry Hewish, b 1886, tailor
Arthur Odell, b 1876, furniture remover (Heavy work)
May E Nightingale, b 1886, laundry hand
Claude R Bond, b 1918, wireless engineer.
Edward T Wright, b 1864, gardener
Percy Stock, b 1886, waiter
Edward Joslin, b 1914, corporation general labourer
Evelyn N, b 1919,
Henry G Barker, b 1872, iron foundry labourer
Sidney A Joslin, b 1921, builders general labourer
George Pope, b 1896, cripple and partly blind street muscian (gramophone)
Alice Ralph, b 1896, food preservers (Chivers)
Dennis Ralph, b 1930,
Clifford Ralph, b 1937,
George King, b 1865, retired builders labourer
1962 not listed
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