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Frederick Brittain

2 (1) Maid’s Causeway, Causeway House

History of 2 Maids Causeway

1861 (1)

Henry Hall

Henry Thomas Hall was born in Cambridge in 1823; he worked for several years as a compositor. He supported the Chartists and spoke at many meetings during the agitation over the Corn Laws. He was a prominent member of the Cambridge Dramatic Company and is remembered for his contribution to the Cambridge Free Library.

1871 (1)

Henry Hall

1881 (1)

Henry Hall

1891 (1)

Henry Hall; Henry Hall died in 1894.

1901 (1)

Elizabeth Hall

1911 (2)

Maria Day, 50, lodging house keeper,  Sutton

1913 (2)

Mrs Day, lodging-house keeper

Henry Day

Frank Day


Frederick Brittain, Litt D – Jesus College archivist


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