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The Dobblers Inn, Sturton Street (RGL2024)

The Dobblers Inn (City Arms), 184 Sturton Street

History of The City Arms

(Currently The Dobblers Inn)


Although the street is unnumbered on the 1871 Census, the pub is listed by name.

Joseph Freestone, 58, publican, b. Fen Ditton

Hannah Freestone, 61, b. Cambridge

Thomas Freestone, 23, carpenter, b. Cambridge

William Freestone, 13, Joseph’s grandson, scholar, b. London, Middlesex

Joseph died in 1875 and is buried in Mill Road Cemetery. Hannah is living at 178 Sturton Street in 1881.


James Freestone, 42, brewery engineer and publican, b. Cambridge

Jane P Freestone, 40, b. Cambridge

Charles Juler, James father-in-law, 71, dependant on son-in-law, b. Cambridge

Sarah E Bastead, James niece, 16, barmaid, b. Waterbeach


Albert E Pate, 28, Carpenter and Publican, b. Cambridge

Laura Pate, 26, Publican, b. Ashley, Suffolk

Frederick J Pate, 1, b. Cambridge

Albert Pate, 1, b. Cambridge

(see entry for 63 Ainsworth Street)


John Needs, 35, licenced victualler, b. East Dereham, Norfolk

Eliza Needs, 36, b. Cambridge

Ethel Needs, 13, b. Cambridge

Lilly Needs, 11, b. Cambridge

Edith Needs, 9, b. Cambridge

Ellen Needs, 4, b. Cambridge

Jack Needs, 2, b. Cambridge


Eliza Needs, head, 46, widow [married 24 years, 8 children of which 3 died], publican, b. Cambridge
Edith May Needs, daughter, 18, school, b. Cambridge
Helen Needs, daughter, 14, school, b. Cambridge
Gertrude Needs, daughter, 9, school, b. Cambridge

Source – 1891, 1901, 1911 UK Census

In 1983 Down Your Street recorded in the chapter on Sturton Street the reminiscences of Leslie Walls of Neville Road whose family had lived at no.175 Sturton Street, opposite the City Arms: Mrs Speechley (landlady of the the City Arms) was an excellent pianist who was relief solo pianist at the Playhouse Cinema, Mill Road (now Tesco’s). Many times I’ve  heard her playing in the pub saloon bar as the sounds wafted into Sturton Street – we had Chopin and popular songs of the day, which everyone enjoyed .



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