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Campbell Street (RGL2024)

2 Campbell Street, Euston House

History of 2 Campbell Street


John Samuel Curwaine, 24, barman, b Cambridge

Alethea Maud, 22, b Great Wilbraham

Hilda Maud, 5 months, b Cambridge


George Hatton, 37, motor driver for grocers, b Milton

Ellen, 38, b London

Albert, 9, b Cambridge

Cecil, 3, b Cambridge


Albert Butler, butcher


Walter Patrick, 52, general labourer out of work, b Leicester

Sarah Louisa, 49, home duties, b Suffolk

Walter Ivan, 27, milk roundsman, Matthews Dairy Cherry Hinton Road, b Suffolk

Gladys, 25, daughter-in-law, home duties, b Wiltshire

Sylvia, 10 months, granddaughter, b Wiltshire


Walter Patrick, b 1868, general labourer

Sarah L, b 1871, unpaid domestic duties

Miles McSweeney, b 1869, hotel night porter


2 Campbell Street – separate household

Frances A Bright, widow, b 1856, unpaid domestic duties


Peter Charles A H


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