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7 Campbell Street (RGL2024)

7 Campbell Street

History of 7 Campbell Street


Jesse Hinds, 26, railway signalman, b Comberton

Margaret M, 28, b Ely

Albert, 8, b Ely

Evelina Deborah, 6, b Cambridge

Florence Mary, 3, b Cambridge

Ivy, 11 months, b Cambridge


Jesse Hinds, 36, railway signalman, b Comberton

Margaret Mary, 38, b Burwell

Evelina Deborah, 16, tobacco packer, b Cambridge

Florence Mary, 13, at school, b Cambridge

Ivy, 10, at school, b Cambridge

Vera, 5, at school, b Cambridge


Jesse Hindes, relief guard and signalman


Frederick William Millier, 28, house painter, Coulson and sons, St Andrews Street, b Surrey, London

Kate, 27, home duties, b Cambridge

Frederick William Levin, 4, b Manchester

Lawrence Harry, 1, b Cambridge

Donald Henry, 1 month, b Cambridge


Frederick William Miller, b 1872, painter

Kate, b 1893, unpaid domestic duties

Frederick W L, b 1917, clerk Coop Society

Lawrence H, b 1919, cleaner, LNER

Donald H, b 1921, gas fitter improver


Mrs K Miller


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