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Primitive Methodist Tabernacle, Newmarket Road

Primitive Methodist Tabernacle, Newmarket Road

History of the Primitive Methodist tabernacle


Rev George Kemp came as minister and focussed on raising money to pay off the debt. He was so successful that he stayed on but his health broke under the strain and he died in 1890.


Membership was in rapid decline. It was decided to sell thr premises but this was not done. (The History of Methodism in Cambridge, F Tice, 1966)

1912 from the Christian Messenger, 1912:

The largest chapel is the Tabernacle. It was built in 1876 at a cost, including several cottages, of £3,390, and took the place of one of blessed memories in Fitzroy Street, the scene of some of the most notable happenings in local Methodism. The present building stands fairly prominently on the Newmarket Road, seats five hundred and fifty people, and is in many respects fitted to serve the district round it. A small band of workers have stood by it loyally. Unfortunately, its history has been checkered, and in addition, it is burdened by a large debt. Within the last two years this latter has been slightly reduced. It now stands a little below £700. The Tabernacle was the head of the Cambridge Second Circuit until three years ago, when the two Circuits were amalgamated. A great need is better school premises.


Revs. C and S Windram, pastors

For more information about Primitive Methodism in Cambridge:



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