1912 by T .D. Atkinson. Yellow brick with rendered brick dressings; pantiled roof. Neo-Georgian style. 2 storeys and dormer attic; 6-window range. Projecting rusticated and rendered centre bay containing doorway. Lugged timber doorcase containing door with 6 fielded panels. Plain frieze beneath open segmental pediment supported on 3 brackets. Over door is a canted triple horned sash with 2/2 and 6/6 panes. To left of door are 3 4/4 horned sashes to each floor, those to ground floor under segmental heads. Immediately right of door is one arched 6/6 horned sash lighting staircase. Remainder of fenestration right of this consists of2 4/4 horned sashes to each floor as before. Modillion eaves cornice beneath hipped roof. 2 hipped dormers fitted with 2-light casements. Central ridge stack and secondary stack on front roof slope to right of centre. INTERIOR. Ground floor with 3 re-used mid C18 doors. South-west room with large-framed panelling and a lugged chimneypiece; south-east room with similar panelling and a chimneypiece with pulvinated frieze. Stick-baluster staircase with moulded handrail.
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