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Five Miles From Anywhere c.1910 ©MusCamb

Lord Nelson, No Hurry – Five Miles From Anywhere, Upware

History of The Five Miles from Anywhere

See Enid Porter’s article on the Society of Idiots and the Honourable Company of Beersoakers


No Hurry Inn, Upware, 1880.

No Hurry – Five Miles from Anywhere inn, 1928 (photo E F Watson) (Cambridgeshire Collection)

Upware, No Hurry Inn (MoC372/74)

The Lord Nelson was originally built for the river trade.

No Hurry Inn (MoC372.74)

In 1956 it was badly damaged by fire. Charles Jolley who had had been licensee said that the layer of corrugated iron on thick thatch had made the fire difficult to fight. The bar and downstairs rooms were saved.

Lord Nelson, Upware, 1957 (MoC206/68)

A new inn was built in 1980.


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