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Wicken c1880

Wicken Data

Mike Petty's Wicken Scrapbook

Mike Petty’s Scrapbook:

wicken pub

The Natural History of Wicken Fen ed. J S Gardiner and A G Tansley pub. Cambridge 1923

The legend of Black Shuck is especially associated with Wicken and  was believed to pad along Spinney Bank. In fact there are reports of a large ghostly black dog from all over East Anglia.

Wicken Fen, before fire (June 1931) (photo D G Reid) (Cambridgeshire Collection)

Wicken Fen, after fire, August 1929 (photo D G Reid)(Cambridgeshire Collection)

Wicken Fen, peat industry, c.1909 (photo Scott and Wilkinson)(Cambridgeshire Collection)

Wicken Fen, peat cutter, c.1909 (Photo Scott and Wilkinson) (Cambridgeshire Collection)

Wicken Lode, Wicken Fen (MoC11/62)

Wicken Feast date unknown (MoC72/8)

Wicken Fen pony used for pulling turves c.1890 (MoC81/68)

J Hall and H Bailey of Wicken staing in a turf boat – note the covered stacks of turf behind c.1890 (MoC77/68)

Hay carts at Chapel Lane, Wicken c.1890 (MoC76/68)

Auxiliary postman , Morley Houghton, of Wicken, c.1900 (MoC74/68)

Man delivering letters in Wicken by donkey cart c.1898 (MoC73/68)

Wicken (MoC144/57)

Urbs Camboritum, Wicken



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