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167, Bahia Cottage, Gwydir Street

History of Bahia Cottage


William Christmas, head, 38, journeyman baker, b Willingham

Mary A, wife, 41, b Cambridge

William, son, 14, b Cambridge

Florence, daughter, 12, scholar, b Cambridge

Alfred, son, 7, scholar, b Cambridge

Frederick, son, 4, scholar, b Cambridge

In 1871, the Christmas family were living at 19 City Road. William and Mary A had married in 1865.

In 2023 DGH sent a note re. Maryann Christmas née Leader. Her mother was born Maryann Hockley and her uncle, Ephraim Hockley, brother was deported to New South Wales from Grantchester.


Henry Mason, head, 84, retired Inland Revenue Excise officer, b Reach

Elizabeth Wright, housekeeper, 68, b Norfolk


John Kent, 47, slater

Marianne, 48

Henry C, slater

Herbert E, hair dresser’s assistant

Ruth E, dressmaker’s assistant

Elizabeth H, milliner’s apprentice


Albert J


John Kent, 56, slater tiler, b Herts

Mary Anne, 57, b Herts

Henry Charles, 32, slater and tiler, b Herts

Herbert Edward, 30, hairdresser, b Herts

Ruth Emma, 28, dressmaker, b Cambridge

Elizabeth Harriet, 26, milliner, b Cambridge

William, 21, slater and tiler, b Cambridge

Albert James, 20, tailor, b Cambridge

1913 Bahia Cottage

John Kent and Sons, slaters and tilers

Miss Kent, dressmaker

William Kent

Miss Kent Dressmaker sign – found in the garden.


Albert James Kent, Private 26051, 9th Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. Killed in action 3 September 1916. Born and enlisted Cambridge. Formerly 26295, Bedfordshire Regiment. Birth registered in the April to June Quarter 1891 in the Cambridge Registration District. In the 1891 census he was the son of John and Mary A Kent, under the age of 1, born Cambridge, resident Gwydir Street, Cambridge. In the 1901 census he was the son of John and Marianne Kent, aged 10, born Cambridgeshire, resident with his parents at 167 Gwydir Street, Cambridge. In the 1911 census he was the son of John and Mary Anne Kent, aged 20, born Cambridge, a Tailor by trade, resident with his parents at 167 Gwydir Street, Cambridge. No known grave. Commemorated on THIEPVAL MEMORIAL, Somme, France. Pier and Face 11 A.


John Kent, slater and tiler, who built 165 Gwydir Street on his retirement.

Herbert Finbow, son of William Robert Finbow who started his business at 52 Gwydir Street

1962 – 1970

William A Longhurst


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