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62 Young Street

History of 62 Young Street


James Baker,45, and family

James Baker was a scaffolder working for W Saint, the builder in St Barnabas Road. The Baker family were previously at 72 York Street


James Baker, b 1875, builders scaffolder

Martha Baker, b 1874,

? [name concealed because may be still alive]

? [name concealed because may be still alive]

64-year-old James Baker and his family still lived at 62 Young Street. James was still a builder’s scaffolder.

James Baker died in 1940 aged 64. His wife Martha died in 1957 aged 83. It is likely that she still lived at 62 Young Street when she died (she’d lived there in 1945). They were both buried in Mill Road Cemetery.

(Info from ID in 2024)


Mrs B E Thoday


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