(no. 1 Rock Road, Gippeswyr)[sic]
Isaac George Elsworthy, mercantile clerk
Ruth, 11, born Suffolk
Mary, 11, born Suffolk
William Reeve, son, 10
Edward Roper, son, 8
Alice Webb, 16, domestic servant
Isaac G Elworthy, coal merchant’s clerk
Ellen J
William R, 20, accountant’s articled clerk, born Suffolk
Edward R, 18, builder’s apprentice, born Suffolk
Rose E England, servant, 17, born Northants
Isaac George Elworthy, 55, coal merchant’s manager, born Ipswich
Ellen Jane, 57, born Suffolk
Jessie Eliza Swan, 21, general servant, born Saffron Walden
In 1908 I G Elworthy was churchwarden at St John’s.
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