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Charles Ball c1880

15 (6) Cavendish Road, Cavendish Villas

History of 15 Cavendish Road

1891 (6)

William Nelson, 51, b Beds


Kate Aquila Ball was born at 15 Cavendish Road address 17th September 1894, daughter of Charles Ball and Kate née Rand. The enumeration of street was changed between 1891 and 1901 but in 1891 there was no no.15 listed in the census.

Kate Aquila Ball, 15 Cavendish Road, 1894

In the 1940s Kate, now married as Kate de Gray, was living at 63 Lensfield Road.

1901; (15)

Ann Cooper, 54, b Cherry Hinton


Herbert Edward William, acting fireman GER


Mrs G Williams


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