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7 (4a) York Terrace

The History of 7 York Terrace

This property was not on the Census between 1881 and 1911.  The Spaldings Directory for 1913 numbers it as 4a.

PRAM – light green, nearly new, cheap – Apply, mornings 10 o’clock, 4a York Terrace, Sleaford Street, Cambridge” Cambridge Daily News 12 November 1913

Spaldings Directory 1913: William Dorling, Corporation servant
Spaldings Directory 1915: William Manning, window cleaner
Spaldings Directory 1919-20: William Manning (no occupation given)


William Manning, 43, born in Cambridge, bridge painter for the Great Eastern Railway
Mary Ann Manning, 47, born in Cambridge
Michael Claud Hume, 23, William’s step-son, born in Cambridge, No work – blind.  The 1911 census records he has been blind since he was 2 years old
Emily Diver, 62, boarder, born in Fordham
W.S.M. Dennis, 25, boarder, married, born in Bristol, undergraduate in full time education

Spaldings Directory 1922-23: William Manning, window cleaner

1939 (7)

William Manning, permanent way labourer – railway maintenance
Mary A Manning, unpaid domestic duties
Phyllis Whitehead, born 1918, single, factory hand – box maker, food preserves
Thomas Culbert, born 1911, warehouse foreman – oil and hardware

Sources: 1881-1921 UK Census, Spaldings Directory (1913, 1915, 1919-20, 1922-23), 1939 Register,


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