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The Great War in St John’s Parish: Hartington Grove

World War One - Hartington Grove

No.18 Rydal Villa:  Sidney John Stone, Lance Sergeant 2812, 1st battalion, Cambridgeshire Regiment. Killed in action 14/10/1916 in France and Flanders, enlisted Cambridge. Buried in Connaught cemetery Thiepval.

No. 24 (formerly 11) Maidenhead: Alfred Edwards b. 1878, was a sapper in the Royal Engineers (Signal Section). At the outbreak of war he was a third class engineering clerk; he had married Lilian in 1905 and had two children. In 1913 he is recorded as living at no. 11 Maidenhead which is now number 24. However his military record states his address as no. 22. He was mobilized in January 1916. In April 1916 he was found absent from church parade and confined to barracks for two days.

No. 36 (formerly 17) 2 Hartington Villas: Frank Lee was a bookmaker. Three of his five sons served in the armed forces.

Bernard Ernest Lee b.1895 became a corporal in 1st Bttn Suffolk Regiment. He was a scientific instrument apprentice and enlisted 19.8.14. He was wounded in the hip & arm 10.1.16. He was further wounded and shocked in July 1916 when he was unconscious for one week. He was discharged from the army 27.3.17 suffering from shell shock, loss of memory, headache, insomnia and a slight tremor.

Harold George Lee b.1897 was a private in the 1st Eastern General Hospital RAMC in Cambridge.

Herbert Victor Lee b.1887 became a 2nd Lieutenant in the 3rd Bttn Suffolk Regiment. He was however attached to the 1st Bttn when he was wounded in the Salonika Campaign. He died in Egypt on 17/11/1916 of his wounds and was buried in the Struma Cemetery in Greece.

No. 40 (formerly 19) S. Edward’s: George Edwards Archer b. 1878 was a carpenter and joiner. He became a lance corporal in the 1/4 Suffolk Regiment and was discharge unfit with rheumatism in June 1918.

No. 42 S. John: Herbert Thomas Howell was born in 1897. His father was the gymnastic instructor at the Perse School. He became a sergeant in Y company 2nd Bttn. Suffolk Regiment. He was reported missing presumed dead 20/7/1916 during the Battle of the Somme. This may have been in battle at Delville Woods.

No. 54: Elizabeth Jackson, b. 1862, wife of William, a railway engine driver, volunteered for the Red Cross from 1915-1919 at the First Eastern General. In 1911 they  were living at no. 26.

No. 68 Hazeldene: Ernest Charles Warren was a lance corporal with the 10th Essex Regiment. In June 1916 did not attend parade and was confined to barracks for seven days. In September 1917 while on active service he was admonished for not complying with an order. He was discharged 4.6.19 as unfit with a fractured left femur caused by a gun shot and granted a weekly pension of 16s 6d.

No. 92 Dunelm: Hedley James Bailey, b. 1902, was the son of James, a commercial traveller and May. He volunteered for the Red Cross 1916-1917 on hospital, convoy and air raid duties.

No. 94 St John’s Villa: Cecil Cornwall volunteered for the Red Cross 1916-1917 on hospital, convoy and air raid duties.

No. 77 Henry Douglas Marr, rifleman 9th Battalion Rifle Brigade died of wounds 29th April 1917 age 24. Buried in Warlincourt Halte British Cemetery.

No. 51 Sussex House: Miss Harding was living at the house of E A King when she volunteered for the Red Cross 1915-1916 at Huntley VAD hospital as linenkeeper.

No. 55 York House: Henry Bruce Attwood Conybeare was born in Alberta, Canada in 1895, the son of a barrister in Lethbridge who, born in England, had joined the merchant marine when he was 15. Henry had been a private in the 10th Canadian Infantry but later served as a 2nd Lieutenant in the East Surrey Regiment. He married in Dover in 1915 and baptised his son at St John’s 12/10/1917. He seems to have stayed on in Cambridge after the war for a few years working as an insurance agent before returning to North America in 1924.

No. 43 Pembroke House: Mrs Stockings volunteered for the Red Cross 1915-1919 at the First Eastern General.

No. 41 Ivernia: Arthur Frederick William Rumsey b. 1876 was a private in the Army Service Corps (Mechanical Transport). he was a commercial traveller who enlisted in June 1916 and was finally called up in July 1918.

No. 33: Bertha Harriet Suckling, b 1895, volunteered for the Red Cross from 1914-16.

No. 23 Douglas House: Mrs Gossett volunteered for the Red Cross 1916-1918 at the First Eastern General.

No.23 Mrs Powell volunteered for the Red Cross from 1916-1919 at the First Eastern.


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