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Bodsey Hermitage and Grange, Ramsey

History of Bodsey Grange

Listed Building

C13 hermitage of Ramsey Abbey. Originally single-storeyed, partly demolished to south for C14 Chapel of 4 bays lying east to west. East bay of Chapel demolished in C16 when converted to a dwelling. Two-storeyed, timber-framed wing added to west facade in C17. Later C18 and C19 additions and alterations.

1887 OS Bodsey House

The estate of Bodsey was given to Ramsey Abbey at its foundation in 969 AD. Nothing remains of the  building which survived until the 13th century. In the 14th century a chapel was built of which the south wall survives with windows and a fireplace from around 1500AD.

After the Dissolution the estate passed to the Cromwell family.


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