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68 (28 Sun Street) Newmarket Road, The Salmon

History of 68 Newmarket Road

Mentioned by A E Gray in 1921 as an old battered public house, now a common lodging house.

1861 (28 – 29) The Salmon

William Jarman, head, 55, bricklayer and publican and grocer, b Castle Camps

Jacob Farrant, head, 33, labourer, b Essex

1871 The Salmon

Thomas Askham b 1837

1881 The Salmon

Henry Gurner, b 1845


Henry Gurner

1901 (28 Sun Street Newmarket Road)

Henry Gurner [?], 56, general labourer, b Cambridge

Alice, 46, b Cambridge

William Robbins, boarder, 65, cooper, b London

John Fenton, boarder, 27, gardener, b Suffolk

Frederick Picken, boarder, 55, general labourer, b Birmingham

Charles Pink, boarder, 55, general labourer, b London

Samuel Dyball, boarder, 40, general labourer, b London

Charles Broom, boarder, 47, bricklayer, b Cambridge

James Briggs, 60, gardener, b Cambridge

William Samuels, 65, general labourer, b Cambridge

William Samuels was previously at 24 East Road

1913 The Salmon

Henry Gurney

1962 (66-68)

Eastern Counties Omnibus (workshops)


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