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The Bird in Hand

73 – 75 Newmarket Road, The Bird in Hand

History of 73-75 Newmarket Road

In 1921 A E Gray described the Bird in Hand as ‘one of the few old houses that has survived the ravages of time and fire.’ He quotes an eighteenth century writer:

This village [Barnwell] hath often been reduced by fire but the last, which happened on September 30th 1731 consumed a great part thereof. The fire was so very fierce that the engine which was carried thither to extinguish it was destroyed therewith; for getting it into a fam yard, surrounded  with houses and barns, the fire spread so fast that the people could scarcely get out without being burnt.

1901 The Bird in Hand

George Turner, 51, builders carter and publican, b Suffolk

Mary, 45, b Coton

Havelock, 14, b Coton

Janett, 10, b Coton


A London newspaper describes Barnwell as a slum area of Cambridge chiefly inhabited by Brickmakers. It claims there is little traffic along the road but within four minutes walking one passes 14 alehouses, some positively next door to each other. However in recent years the area has undergone a great improvement with the building of the Abbey Estate, and the amount of traffic has increased. But no one will gainsay the comments on the number of superfluous public houses. (Press 29/12/1906)

1913 The Bird in Hand

Charles Byatt

1922 4th March

Det-Constable Abbott presented is report (to the Borough Licencing panel.) He said the trade in beer of the Bird in Hand, newmarket Road, was better than that of the Hare and Hounds which was 107 yards away. The next nearest house was the Crown in Wellington-street. Charles Byatt, the tenant, said he had held the licence for about 20 years. he was quite satisfied with the living he was making. Arthur E.W.Payne, secretary for Messrs Bailey and Tebbutt said the house had been doing four barrels a day.


Bird in Hand PH

The Bird in Hand (MoC282.70)


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