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Chesterton Towers

Chesterton Towers, Chapel Street

History of Chesterton Tower

Alison Taylor, Cambridge The Hidden History p.123, writes:

Cardinal Vercelli representation in St Andrew’s Chesterton ©RGL2023

The Rectory was another unusual manor.  In 1227 it was given by Henry III to an abbey at Vercelli in thanks for the cardinal’s help in preventing one of the periodic outbursts of civil war, and for much of the middle ages the rectors were Italians, sent from the home abbey. Their residence was Chesterton Tower, and imposing mid-fourteenth century building standing near the church, which has now been restored and is used as offices. In 1440 the Pope agreed to transfer the church and its rectory to King’s Hall.

Chesterton Towers ©RGL2023

Chesterton Towers ©RGL2023

Chesterton Towers ©RGL2023

More historical information can be found on the church website.

Urbs Camboritum, Chesterton Tower

Royal Commission Survey of Cambridge 1959: house, standing in the Vicarage garden 177 yds N of the parish church, is of two storeys with walls of rubble patched with brick and with clutch and Kenton stone ashlar dressings; the roofs are tile-covered. It was built about the middle of the 14th century probably for the procurator of the abbot of Vercelli…. the Tower is a rare survival of a dwelling for the representative in England of a foreign appropriator and of much architectural interest despite the recent restoration.

Chesterton Tower plan

More information can be found here:

In 1967 David Kindersley moved his workshop here from Dales Barn Barton. Ten years later he moved to Victoria Road.


Sketching Cambridge by Michael Large


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