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Haddenham Data

Mike Petty's Haddenham Scrapbook

1798 the Methodist preacher Thomas Pinder visited and received a very rough reception at the hands of a mob led by the local clergy. he was sheltered by the aunt of the noted attorney, Mr Serjeant Matthews and was able to move on to Histon. (See History of Methodism in Cambridge by F Tice, 1966)

Haddenham, cleaning pump engine drain 1897 (MoC18/66)

May Queen c.1925 in Hospital Sunday Parade, Haddenham.

The wagon belonged to Eliot Hugh Robinson of South Place, built by Fuller & Sons of St Ives for £18.

Haddenham 1965-68 (4)

Postcard sent to Miss Burton, High Street, Haddenham in 1911:

Postcard sent to Miss Burton, Haddenham, 1911.

Postcard sent to Miss Burton, Haddenham, 1911.

1951: Haddenham Ploughing Match, A Payne (MoC)

A Payne ploughing (MoC)

A Payne ploughing (MoC)

Urbs Camboritum, Haddenham



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