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Clarkson's Memorial & Post Office, Wisbech

Clarkson’s Memorial, Wisbech

History of Clarkson's Memorial

Listed building

Urbs Camboritum, Thomas Clarkson

Wikipedia extract:

The Clarkson Memorial in Wisbech, Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire, England commemorates Thomas Clarkson (1760 – 1846), a central figure in the campaign against the slave trade in the British empire, and a former native of Wisbech. It dates from 1880 – 1881 and is a Grade II* listed building.

The memorial consists of a statue mounted on a platform. Above this, rises a canopy, in the form of a spire. The whole structure is 68 feet (20.6 m) high. On three of the four sides are carved bas-reliefs, representing William Wilberforce and Granville Sharp, both prominent figures in the campaign against the slave trade, and a manacled slave in a beseeching attitude. The fourth side bears an inscription to the memory of Clarkson.

Post office and Clarkson’s memorial, Wisbech c.1900

Clarkson Memorial, Wisbech (MoC543/74)

Clarkson Memorial, Wisbech (MoC543/74)

Clarkson Memorial, c.1910 (Frith)


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