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Meldreth Corn Dolly Windmill © Museum of Cambridge

Meldreth data

Meldreth data


Meldreth (MoC) location unknown

Meldreth, location unknown

Fire at Meldreth 1908

Meldreth (location unknown)

Meldreth History:

Mike Petty:

W M Palmer writes in 1923 (Camb Chron):

As we enter the village street by Ball’s Lane, a name as old as 1600, and which was formerly closed by a gate, I want you to try and picture Meldreth village street as it was before the time of the enclosure of 1813. It then had a a broad strip of green sward running on each side of the road. The width of the sward is represented by the distance the present houses stand back from the road. The houses built right on to the road are all modern. There were formerly several old cottages standing on a level with the ‘Laurels’ which were burnt down about 50 years ago, when, on a sale day, all the farm buildings were destroyed.

Elmcroft, an old wheat storehouse at Meldreth c.1927 (Cambridgeshire Collection)

W M Palmer would tell his audiences that at the back of this picture was the chimney of the house where he was born and when he was a boy he would look for hen’s eggs under the storehouse in the picture.

1759 24.5.1759 (J Wesley Journal) referring to letter from John Berridge, vicar of Everton, ‘On Monday, Mr Hicks accompanied me to Meldreth. On the way we called at a farmer’s house. After dinner I went into his yard, and seeing near a hundred and fifty people, I called for a table and preached in the open air. We then went to Meldreth where I preached in a field to about four thousand people.’ In the morning Mr Hicks [preached in the same field to about a thousand people.


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