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19, Bracondale, (Winston House Hostel), Brooklands Avenue

History of 19 Brooklands Avenue


Thomas F Watts

Ellen Irene

Ethel Harvard

Samuel Harvard

Mabel Harvard

Frances Unwin, servant, widow, 57, born Cambridge

Emma Elizabeth Eastall, servant, 19, born Norfolk


Thomas F Watts


Ethel Harvard

Mabel Harvard

Irene Harvard, 8, born Cambridge

Helen Harvard

Theodora Harvard

Josephine Harvard

Gertrude Harvard

Ellen Harvard, mother in law, 74, born Staffs [d. 1887]

Jane Holmes, servant, 22, born Cambridge

Ellen Cornwall, servant, 22, born Bottisham

Hedwig Buchi, servant, 16, born Baden Germany


Thomas F Watts, 50, timber merchant, born Cambridge

Ellen Irene, 45, born Norfolk

Ethel Harvard, 24, born Cambridge

Mabel Harvard, 21,  born Cambridge

Helen Harvard, 16, born Cambridge

Theodora Harvard, 14, born Cambridge

Josephine Harvard, 13, born Cambridge

Gertrude Harvard, 12, born Cambridge

Ada Whitmore, servant, 17, housemaid, born Gt Shelford

Ada Rose Foster, servant, 17, born Cambridge


Ellen Irene Watts, 55, living on own means, born Norfolk

Mabel H, 31, born Cambridge

Florence L Baker, servant, 24, cook, born Cambridge

Ada M M Westacott, servant, 18, housemaid, born Kent


J Watson, Hon., BA

17/11/1947 The S.O.S. Society’s Boys’ Hostel at Winston House, Brooklands Avenue, Cambridge was officially opened in the presence of a large audience, including magistrates from the surrounding district. Lord Huntingfield spoke its work in relation to its care for boys who had either come into contact with Probation Officers or had homes that were not particularly desirable. He commented “Youth, being what it is, does not always recognise the laws of the grown-ups and they are inclined to do things which bring them into conflict with the long arm of the law. These are the kind of boys taken in here and looked after”. (Cam Press)

30/3/1949: Juvenile delinquency is very much in the news at the moment, and the problem of how to check it is increasingly occupying the attention of social workers. An experiment in this direction is being conducted in Cambridge at “Winston House”, Brooklands Avenue. Here, boys in between 14 and 17,  who have been in their first trouble, are given a chance to make good by making them happy members of a little family, providing useful outlets for their mental and physical energy and helping them to make right friendships and get a sense of responsibility and self-respect. (Cam Press)

28/12/1953 At Winston House Boys’ Hostel, Brooklands Avenue, Cambridge each lad had presents sent from “Fairy Godmothers” who invited a number of them for dinner. For those who remained there was roast chicken and Christmas pudding. At The Grange Children’s’ Home, Swavesey the children hopefully hung up their stockings at the foot of the bed and on awaking found they had been filled. There was no shortage of presents at the Little Shelford Children’s’ Home, partly due to the generosity of the American servicemen station in the vicinity. An American ‘Father Christmas’ arrived from Wimpole Park bringing tennis racquets, bagatelle, darts, dolls and tea sets. (Cam. Press)


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