An undenominational school had been founded in 1846 in New Street and was commonly known as the Ragged School because it was a very poor area. The School relied for many years on voluntary subscriptions and fundraising activities for its maintenance. (Cambridge Diary, Enid Porter)
Josiah Chater wrote about a bazaar in June 1852 held at the Town Hall in aid of the school. he was asked to run the bookstall on 2nd June:
At half past nine I took my place with Jonathan Cook, draper, at the bookstall in the Town Hall. We had a capital day and took £7. 10s. Altogether, the cash taken was £160, and although the weather was very unpropitious, we had a famous attendance all day. All the nobs of the town were there.
He was back the following day and this time sold ink, pencils and pictures. Overall £240 was raised.
See career of Leah Manning née Perret
British History Online :
An undenominational ragged school was opened in New Street about 1854. It comprised two schoolrooms and four classrooms, and, although it was a ragged school, fees of 1d.–2d. were charged. It received government grants from 1886 and in 1901 was taken over as a practising school by Homerton College, who also built a new infants’ school on the site. The infants’ department became a council school in 1912 and the remainder in 1915. There were about 370 children in attendance in 1911.
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