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Riversdale, Grantchester

History of Riversdale

Grantchester, OS 1881

1871 Riversdale

William Greene, 46, law student, b Bury St Edmunds Suffolk

Charlotte, 36, b Brigg Lincs

Florence, 15, b Middlesex

William G, 14, b Essex

Alice M, 13, b Essex

Mary C, 10, b Essex

Charles H, 6, b Oxon

Edward, 4, b Oxon

Fred W, 3, b Grantchester

Benjamin, 1, b Grantchester

Helen C, 6 mos, b Grantchester

Martha Hammond, 28, servant, b Norfolk

Alice M Mary Whiting, 21, servant, b St Ives

Sarah Green, 30, servant, b Oxon

William Green died in 1881 in St Kitts where the family plantation was situated. He had been born in 1824 in Bury St Edmunds, son of Benjamin Greene, founder of the Green King brewery.

In 1861 the Greene family is at Takeley in Essex. Charlotte Greene, aged 29 is listed as married and head of family, a farmer of 170 acres employing 7 men and 3 boys. Charlotte Mary is 6 months old.

In 1891 some of the Greene family were living at the Old Vicarage

1881 Riversdale

Arabella Cowland, unmarried, 66, annuitant of private means, b Devon

Alma Dickerson, servant, 25, cook, b Abington

Harriet, servant, 19, housemaid, b Beds


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