Manor House. Mid C16, late C17, C18 and C19. Timber-framed,roughcast rendered, red brick and grey brick. Tiled and slate roofs. Late C17 side stack of red brick with in ed shafts. Two bays remain of an H-plan mansion built in mid C16, roof raised and third storey added late C17, extended by addition of wings to the north in late C17. Mostly demolished early C19.
Bridge and adjoining moat wall. Late C17. Red brick, mainly English bond with limestone coping to parapet.
Well-house and well. Late C17, restored and renovated 1978 by the Parish.
Built by Thomas Wendy, physician to Henry VIII. The Wendy memorial is in the church where there is a full size statue.
Thomas Wendy died here.
In the Victorian period the original fireplace and staircase were moved to Bourn Hall. Other materials were re-used to build The Maltings and Oak Cottage.
Queen Elizabeth I stayed at The Manor in 1564 and continued her progress to Cambridge along Cantelupe Road.
In 1664 Sir Thomas Wendy paid hearth tax on 22 fireplaces. Only 7 houses in the county paid more.
(Walk and Look Around Haslingfield 1994)
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