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5 Adam and Eve Row

History of 5 Adam and Eve Street


Sarah Gibbon, 24, dressmaker


Jeremiah Ebon, 65, groom, b Norfolk

Mary, 58, dressmaker, b Soham

Sarah, 24, dressmaker, b Suffolk

Welham, 20, billiard marker, b Essex


Francis Flaxman, vanman

1914 story told in ‘Barnwell at War’ (2018)

Francis Flaxman

Kate Flaxman



Francis was a groom for a mineral water company and was a veteran of the Boer War. In December 1914 he was serving with the Royal Horse Guards. Kate received a letter from Francis in December:

We have been doing the work of infantry in the trenches, sometimes for five days and nights, and the work is terrible, sitting in the trenches, shaking with cold ……….. roll on the time when I arrive back at dear old Cambridge, and hear the old bells ringing……..’

Francis survived the war and they were still in Adam and Eve Row in 1939.


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