Capturing Cambridge
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Golden Rose, Emmanuel Road (MoC)

17 Emmanuel Road, Golden Rose

History of 17 Emmanuel Road


John King, 48, common brewer and victualler, b Cambridge

Sarah, 50, b Cambridge

Ann, 19, b Cambridge

Sarah, 13, b Cambridge

John, 10, b Cambridge

1852 John King (Slaters Directory)


Margaret Mills, publican, 52, b Elys
Harriet Mills, daughter, milliner, 25, b Cambridge
Margaret Mills, daughter, invalid, 21, b Cambridge
Hannah Mills, daughter, milliner, 17, b Cambridge
Alfred Mills, son, 13, b Cambridge
Emily Mills, daughter, 11, b Cambridge
William Wright, lodger, joiner, 22, Essex

1869 Thomas Trudgett (Post Office Directory)

1879 Henry Mitchell (Kellys)


Eliza Bridges, publican, widow, 60,  b Lincs
Harry Bridges, son, inn servant, 21, b Whittlesea
Alice Bridges, daughter, 22, b Whittlesea

1883 Geo H Castle (Kellys)

1888 Henry Steel (Kellys)

1892 Henry Steel (Kellys)

1896 Henry Steel (Kellys)

1904 Mrs J M Harvey (Kellys)

Golden Rose, 1912

1913 Albert Edward Hearn (Spalding)

1916 A E Hearn (Kellys)

1933 Samuel Birne (Kellys)


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