(36 Hills Road)
George Livett, gentleman income from land and houses
Emily H
Emily S
George C
Sarah Woods, 41, servant
Ann Woods, 30, servant, born Hunts
Martha Rider, 30, servant, born Cambridge
(52 Hills Road)
George Levett, 59, land proprietor and fund holder, born St Neots
Emily H, 42
Emily S, 12
George C, 11
Jessie A Levett, 9, born Cambridge
James J W Levett, 5, born Cambridge
Sarah Woods, 50, housemaid, born Hunts
Lucy Whiffen, 23, cook, born Linton
Letitia B Marriott, nursemaid, born Hunts
(52 Hills Road)
Emily Hannah Levett, 52, widow, landowner
Emily Sarah
George Chaplin Levett, son, 21, solicitor’s articled clerk BA Cambridge law student, born Cambridge
Sarah Woods, 60, housemaid, born Hants
Susan Flack, 24, cook, born Gt Wilbraham
(52 Hills Road)
Emily H Levett, investments in houses land
Emily S
Jessie A, 29, born Cambridge
James J W, student in law undergraduate
Sarah Woods, 72, housekeeper, born Hunts
Mary E Bridgeman, 25, cook, born Ely
Amelia Jakes, 19, needlewoman, born Willingham
Emily H Levett, 72, living on own means, born Fulbourn
Emily S, daughter, 42, born Cambridge
James J W, 35, barrister at law, born Cambridge
Alice E Vale, 20, servant, born West Wratting
Amelia L Duce, 21, servant, born Chippenham
Frederick W Woodward, 40, postmaster of Cambridge, born Kensington
Eleanor A, 41, born Kensington
Egbert A, 14, born Hammersmith
Marjorie, 10, born Hammersmith
Dorothy C, 7, born Hammersmith
Martha C S Coleman, sis in law, 44, born Kensington
Minnie Rolfe, servant, 21, servant, born Cambridge
In 1901 there is no building at the same location as the 1913 building. On 1901 OS map the building is set back from the road.
E McClure Campbell L.R.C.P. and S.E., physician and surgeon
In 1911 the Campbell family were living at 12 Lyndewode Road
Edward McClure Campbell
Matilda Beatrice Campbell
Dennis McClaure Campbell
Ivy Ellen Turner
1947, 41 Hills Road, Doctors note for Angela De Gray, 63 Lensfield Road
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