William Lyon, 25, chemist
Louisa, 20
James Hudd, 17, apprentice
Susan Plumb, 20, servant
Henry Lyon, chemist master, 29, b Cambridge
Angelica, 28, b Kent
William Craswellen, assistant, 25, b Hants
John Dowaward, assistant, 21, b Lancs
Mary Rowlands, 24, servant.b Stapleford
1861 (22 Petty Cury)
John Yeomans, chemist and druggist employing 1 man and 1 boy
Sarah Levett, housekeeper,
Serocold C Skeels, 21, lodger, student of Emmanuel College, b Chatteris
Herbert Mather, 20, lodger, scholar b Walton
Arthur S Mather, 18, lodger, attorney’s articled clerk, b Walton
1871 (22 Petty Cury)
John Yeomans
Sarah Levett, servant
1881 (22 Petty Cury)
John Yeomans, chemist employing 3 men and 2 boys,
Sarah Levett, 45, housekeeper,
Arthur A Goodall, 22, chemist, b Yorks
1891 (22 Petty Cury)
John Yeomans, 53, chemist and dentist, b Leicestershire
Sarah Levett, 55, housekeeper, b Suffolk
John H Dressler, errand boy, 14, b Hildersham
1898 CDN 17th December: A stroll through Petty Cury, Cambridge and a glance at the shop windows of Boots Limited gives a good idea of the effort which this firm has made to cater for all tastes and all classes. Those desirous of purchasing suitable presents for their cousins, their aunts, and sweethearts should pay a visit to Boots, in the Cury.
1901 (22 Petty Cury)
Horace S Beale, 32, chemist druggist, b Cambridge
1913 (71 Sidney Street)
H S Beale (late Yeomans) chemist
Turner and Sons, Petty Cury in 1938 during redevelopment for the new Boots chemist store (photo J Johnson)
In 1930 work started on a new shopping development which focussed on the enlarged Boots the chemist.
Junction of Petty Cury and Sidney Street in 1938. Police Constable Jeffrey Saddington (Cambridgeshire Collection)
1939 (22 Petty Cury)
Turner and Sons, opticians
Miss Dora Papworth, ladies’ hairdressers
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