Welcome to Places and Spaces. This is a community led exhibition designed and researched by a group of Community Curators at the Museum of Cambridge. The curators wanted to explore the topic of Town and Gown in Cambridge by looking exclusively at how and by whom spaces in the city are used.
To do this, the Community Curators created an online survey that asked residents how comfortable they felt in Cambridge, what their favourite places are, and whether they identify more closely with Town or Gown. The ninety-nine responses received from people across the county have informed the exhibition at the museum.
One of the questions of the survey asked people about their favourite places in Cambridge. The places that received the most votes have been compiled in this photographic tour hosted by Capturing Cambridge, and it showcases quotes from the responses received and pictures taken by the Community Curators.
You can click on the photos to expand them, or, if you want to read the comments and explore the actual sites in more detail, please click on the number above each picture.
Do you have any information about the people or places in this article? If so, then please let us know using the Contact page or by emailing capturingcambridge@
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