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74 Gwydir Street

History of 74 Gwydir Street

1881 Baker’s shop

Frederick C Bridges, head, 28, baker employing 2 hands, b Cambridge

Susan, wife, 26, b Cambridge

Charles Carpenter, 18, assistant baker, b Cambridge


Frederick Bridges, 38, master baker, b Cambridge

Susan, 37, b Cambridge

Arthur J Fordham, 17, baker’s assistant, b Cambridge

1896 Jesse Harwood, baker and confectioner

1899 CDN 29.5.1899: Fighting with Knives in Gwydir Street. Some excitement was caused in Gwydir street between 11 and 12 o’clock this morning by the outrageous conduct of man and his wife belonging to the peddling fraternity. It appears that the couple were hawking their wares, when they quarrelled, and came to blows. In order to settle their differences the pair had recourse to weapons of deadly description, savagely attacking each other with knives. The situation was getting serious when Mr Harwood, baker, of Gwydir-street, near whose premises the affray took place, rushed out, and, running between the parties, put an end to the quarrel. A constable arrived, and took the man, who was besmeared with blood, into custody. 


Jesse Harwood, 32, baker and confectioner, b Great Eversden

Elizabeth, 36, b Cambridge

Jessie, 11, b Cambridge

Dorothy, 8, b Cambridge

Bertie, 5, b Cambridge

Alec, 4, b Cambridge

CIP 24.5.1901: The Disputed Dog : An Amusing Case. Clara King, wife of William King, cycle manufacturer, of Sidney-street, made a claim against Alma Saunders for the recovery of a collie dog. Mr O. Papworth appeared for plaintiff, and Mr E. Vinter was for the defence. —As it was a case of identity, His Honor asked that the dog should be brought into court—he hoped securely muzzled. —The dog was accordingly produced.— Clara King, wife of a cycle manufacturer in Sidney-street, said that in May, 1899, she bought a collie puppy of Mr. Harwood, baker, of Gwydir-street. She had taken out the licence for three years. In December, 1900. the dog disappeared for a time, and it came back in the following month. It followed her husband home, and they had in their possession until May 7th, when she took it up Gwydir-street and lost it. She called the dog ” Prince.’’ She subsequently heard that it was in defendant’s possession.—By Mr. Vinter : The dog was four months old when she bought it.—Mr. Vinter suggested that she should call the dog.—Witness did so, and the animal at once responded, leaving Mrs. Saunders, who was sitting in another part of the court.—Mr. Vinter : It will come as readily for Mrs. Saunders. Laughter.— Jesse Harwood, of Gwydir-street, proved the sale of the puppy at five months old to Mrs. King. He identified the dog Court as the same dog. Mr. Papworth: How do you identify it? Witness: The same as I should my own children. I saw it nearly every day until Mrs. Saunders had it. Continuing, he said that he bought it when it was a few weeks old and sold it in five months.— William King corroborated his wife’s statement. —His Honour asked him to call the dog. He did so, “Prince” readily responded. Mrs. Saunders made a rival call of “Jim,” but the dog appeared to prefer the title of “Prince.” —His Honor observed the rival call, and he would make a note of it.—Witness, continuing, said that the dog had previously been lost, and he found the dog in Trinity-street. Subsequently Mrs Saunders’ son claimed the dog, but witness would not let him have it.— William Scott, of Castle Hill, said that in December, 1899, the dog came to his place and he advertised it. Mr. King came for it. This was the same dog.—Defendant said that this dog was given to her in December last quite a little puppy.—Mr. Vinter: You’ve fattened it up, I suppose ?—Witness : Yes. (Laughter.) Continuing, she said she took it out on February 3rd, and it got into King’s possession. It returned again in March. It jumped in the door as it had been taught to do. —His Honor suggested that she should call the dog.— Mrs. Saunders did so. It was “Jim” this time. The dog responded, but not with the alacrity that it went to Mrs. King.—The latter then called “Prince” and the dog at once went to her. Mrs. Saunders protested that was not fair.— Subsequently Mr. Vinter called it. Others joined in, and “Prince” disregarded the dignity of the court so far as to parade along the solicitor’s table—to the immense amusement of the people in court. —Mr. Doggett, a canine specialist, said the dog was under two years old.—His Honor: Was it baby last December ?—Witness: No.—Mr Vinter submitted it was not as old as the plaintiff claimed.—Defendant’s son said that bought the dog on December 15th. It had been fattened since than.—There was another trial of calls. Witness ran along the court calling the dog which readily entered into the game.  Then His Honor called the dog, which seemed to appreciate the compliment. The ladies joined in, and then, at His Honor’s instance, one sat at one end of the bench and the other at the other. The dog went and made itself comfortable by the side of Mrs King.—A man named Wallman said that he sold the dog to young Saunders on December 15th. Two gentlemen gave the dog to him the previous day —By His Honor : He did not know the names of the gentlemen —Walter Harding confirmed this story of the sale. The dog exchanged hands for 2s. He saw the dog run after Mr King’s motor car about the time Saunders lost it.—His Honor gave judgment for plaintiff. He said it was perfectly dear that the dog knew plaintiff and her husband better than anybody else. The costs were to be paid for by the defendant at the rate of 4s. month. 

1904 Jesse Harwood, baker (Spalding)


Jesse Harwood, 42, baker and confectioner, b Cambridge

Mary, 47, b Cambridge

Dorothy, 19, typist solicitor, b Cambridge

Bert, 15, b Cambridge

Alec, 14, b Cambridge

See Emmanuel Road

For more information about the Harwood family and the house see:


Frank Loker

In May 1917 “Mrs. Agnes Loker, baker, of 74 Gwydir Street, applied for exemption for Edward Flood (41), married, 10 Ainsworth Street, bread baker, on the ground that he was the only man employed. Exemption was a granted until August 14th.Cambridge Daily News 15 May 1917


Violet R Chivers, b 1914, radio factory

Lilly, b 1886




W P Wozniak


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