Charles Southgate, head, 38, millwright, b Norfolk
Elizabeth, wife, 39, b Norfolk
Eliza, daughter, 11, scholar, b Norfolk
Herbert, son, 9, scholar, b Norfolk
Minnie, daughter, 7, scholar, b Cambridge
William Clarke, head, 46, bricklayer, b Suffolk
Mary Ann, wife, 46, b Essex
Sidney, son, 9, scholar, b Cambridge
Archibald, son, 5, scholar, b Cambridge
Edith, daughter, 14, general servant, b Cambridge
Lilly, daughter, 12, scholar, b Cambridge
Grace, daughter, 8, scholar, b Cambridge
1899 CC&J 1.9.1899: Archibald Clarke and George Smith of Gwydir Street were fined 1s and 5s costs each for doing damage to a pigeon cote, a shed and a pig sty, the property of Abraham Martin Smith of Kingston Street on August 27th.
1900 CDN 17.7.1900: CAMBRIDGE DAY BY DAY Mishap to Workmen. – On Monday an accident befell two men, named Arthur Collins, carpenter, of 30, Thoday street, and Albert Gibbs, painter, 111, Gwydir-street, both in the employ of Messrs Thoday and Co., builders, of Hills-road. It appears that they were moving a large sheet of plate glass, about 10ft. by 8ft. from the window of Messrs Barrett and Son, of Market hill, when the lower part of the pane, which was cracked, fell on to the footpath, knocking both the men down. Collins received a severe cut on the left arm, while Gibbs had his arm and his little finger badly cut. Both men were taken to Addonbrooke’s Hospital by P.C. Savidge where they were examined and the wounds dressed by the assistant house surgeon.
Albert Gibbs, 36, house painter, b Cambridge
Emily, 26, b Bucks
Lucy M, 7, b Bucks
Walter C, 5, v
Albert Gibbs, 46, house painter, b Cambridge
Emily, 36, b Bucks
Walter Charles, 15, law clerk, b Cambridge
Albert William, 6, b Canmbridge
Albert Gibbs, painter
Percy J Woolston, b 1881, antique fur
Helena M, b 1891
Percy Woolston
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