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169, Cliff Cottage, Gwydir Street

History of 169 Gwydir Street


George Barrell, head, 50, railway ticket collector, b Hants

Ann, wife, 54, b Norfolk

Charlotte A, daughter, 20, b Cambridge

Richard Hosepool, boarder, 22, railway clerk, b Norfolk

James Goffin, boarder, 18, railway clerk, b Norfolk

1889 CDN 10.9.1889

Ann Barrell gave evidence at the death of Luke Hosegood in a railway accident at Cambridge Station:

Ann Barrell, of 169, Gwydir-street, first-class waiting-room attendant, said : At ten minutes eight last Saturday evening the attendant of the second-class waiting room called my attention to the deceased, who was sitting in the second-class waiting-room. He was sitting with a book in front of his face, apparently reading. I asked him whether he was going by the “Doncaster” or the “slow,” as the “Doncaster” would be rather late, and the “slow” would be started first. He said “Why do you ask that question. I want the 8.22 train from Liverpool-street; that’s what I want.” I did not speak him again, and left him in the room.

The Coroner: Was there anything peculiar about him ?—Witness: Very much. He answered me more like a man the verge of madness.

The Coroner: Was he tipsy ?—Witness : I can’t say that. He looked very depressed and very determined. The train which ran over him was the one he spoke of. 

1890 CIP 21.6.1890: A Forester’s Funeral.—On Thursday afternoon the funeral of Mr. George C. Barrell, who for 20 years held the office of Treasurer to Court “Equity,” of the Ancient Order of Foresters, took place at the Mill-road Cemetery, in the presence of a large assembly. Mr. Barrell had been in failing health for some considerable time past, and therefore his death on Sunday evening, although a shock to his immediate circle of friends, was not altogether unexpected. For nearly thirtytwo vears Mr. Barrell was ticket collector in the employ of the G.E.R. Company at Cambridge. A procession was formed outside the deceased’s residence at 169 Gwydir-street at three o’clock, and a move was made to the Cemetery. The Foresters occupied the foremost position in the procession, and a considerable number of railway employees in uniform followed the mourning coaches. The officiating clergy were the Rev. C. Butler (vicar of St. Barnabas), the Rev. F. E. Rogers, and the Rev. E.R. Ford. At the conclusion of the service the District Chief Ranger (Bro. Dyball) read the customary address prescribed by the rules of the A.O.F. Amongst those present were Brothers J. H. Robinson (District Treasurer), W. Dall,. C.R. J. W. Cooke, S.C.R., J. Bowyer, S.W., H. Bowman, J.W., G. Fuller. S.B., J. O. Parr, J. B., A. Furbank (Treasurer), G Allen. P.D.C.R., G. P. wood, P.D.C.R.. C. Chidderton, A. Marriott, J. Pinner, P.D.C R., A. J. Lawrence. P.D.C.R.. and R. Briggs. P.D.C.R.; Mr. W. R. Bright. Great Eastern Railway Stationmaster at Cambridge; Mr. J. Walker. Midlands Railway Stationmaster; Inspector Lucock, &c. The deceased was 59 years of age. 


Arthur W Phillips, head, bookseller’s assistant

Charlotte A, wife, 30, b Cambridge

Gertrude C, daughter, 2, b Chesterton


Arthur W Phillips, 38, bookseller’s assistant, b Cambridge

Charlotte A, 40, b Cambridge

Gertrude C, 12, b Cambridge

William C, 8, b Cambridge

Ann Barrett [Barrell], mother in law, widower, 75, b Norfolk

Clementina M Abbs, boarder, 11, b London

1906 CDN 20.10.1906:Mrs Ann Barrell (81) of 169 Gwydir Street who journeyed to Leckhampton to visit a sick relative fell dead upon arriving at the doorstep of his house. Heart failure was cause of death.


Arthur William Phillips, 48, bookseller, b Cambridge

Charlotte Ann, 50, b Cambridge

Gertrude Charlotte, 22, dressmaker, b Cambridge

William Charles, 18, hosier, b Cambridge


Arthur Phillips, bookseller


Herbert Arthur Peters


Herbert Arthur Peters


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