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From Market Street, Swavesey Feast c.1910. Horse-drawn caravans. (Alan Lee Swavesey collection)

Market Street & Green, Swavesey

History of Swavesey Feast

Market Street, Swavesey c.1920. 4 thatched cottages on right destroyed by fire in 1924. New house built by Charles Heffer in 1925.(Alan Lee Swavesey collection)

Market Street, 1898, George and Dragon. Raymond Green, Conservative candidate in light suit with wife. In white apron on left is Joseph Stockbridge, local harness maker from Warman’s Lane. (Alan Lee Swavesey collection)

Market Street Swavesey in 1948. Large central building was Godfrey’s haulage. Lady pushing pram is Rose Messenger. (Alan Lee Swavesey collection)

Market Street, Swavesey, 1931, Bert Hodson’s ducks in pond (Alan Lee Swavesey collection)

Mrs Lee outside drapery shop in 1932. Gave up shop in 1940. Bought by Alan Lee after discharge from RAF 1948.(Alan Lee Swavesey collection)

Looking down Cow Fen from Market Street Green in 1947 floods. Two boys on homemade raft. On left, Derek Lant, son of White Horse landlord; on right, Brian Norman, son of Frank and Norma. (Alan Lee Swavesey collection)

1947 floods. Market Street council houses. (Alan Lee Swavesey collection)

1947 Floods. Two boys who had paddled from Over via Cow Fen.(Alan Lee Swavesey collection)

Professional pancake racers in 1970 race on Market Street green.(Alan Lee Swavesey collection)


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