Capturing Cambridge
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51 Marshall Road, Eye House

History of 51 Marshall Road


George Prewett, 40, gardener not domestic, born Devon

Mary A, 36, born Cambs.

Bertie G, 9, born Suffolk

Percy J., 5, born Suffolk

Harry W., 3, born Suffolk

Gertrude M., 13, born Suffolk

Gladys K., 11, born Suffolk


Francis Nixon, 56, college servant, born Cambridge

Emma, 50, born Cambs.

Arthur, 28, butler, born Cambridge

Ada, 26, at home, born Cambridge

Stanley, 17, baker’s assistant, born Cambridge

Stanley Cecil [Cecil Stanley] Nixon, b 1894, had joined the Suffolk Regiment. There was a newspaper report on 9/8/18 that Nixon had been reported as wounded and missing on 28/3/18 but was now a POW in Germany. There is a letter to his parents saying he is well. He returned home on 17/1/19.



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