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Grantchester mill pre 1928 (undated)

Grantchester watermill

History of the Watermill


Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote this poem in 1833. The mill referred to is the Grantchester Mill:

I loved the brimming wave that swam
Thro’ quiet meadows round the mill,
The sleepy pool above the dam,
The pool beneath it never still,
The meal-sacks on the whiten’d floor,
The dark round of the dripping wheel,
The very air about the door
Made misty with the floating meal.


James Nutter, 33, b Cambridge

Emma, 34, b Cambridge

Fanny Susannah, 10, b Grantchester

Agnes Tryphena, 8, b Grantchester

Emma, 5, b Grantchester

James, 1, b Grantchester

Smith, 5 mos, b Grantchester

Hannah Turner, aunt, widow, 64, B Cambridge

William, brother, 32, brewer, b Cambridge

Emma Homes, 25, cook, b Cambridge

Hannha Bacon, 20, housemaid, b Essex

Martha Carter, 17, housemaid, b Melbourn

In 1861 the Nutter family were at 3 Trumpington Road

Grantchester Mill, 1892, Henry Moule (MoC5/147/51)


During work to install a turbine it was noticed that brickwork supporting the public road was becoming unsafe (CDN 24.4.1902)

Grantchester Mill c.1910

Grantchester Mill (c1910) (Frith)


A fire on 30th October destroyed the mill. It was run by the Nutter family who had operated it for over a century. The only part saved in the blaze was an adjoining cottage. (CIP 2.11.1928)

Grantchester Mill pre 1928 (photo L Cobbett)(Cambridgeshire Collection)

Grantchester Mill fire 1928 (MoC2/191/70)

Grantchester mill (MoC258/58)

Grantchester Mill (MoC17.44)

Grantchester Mill, 1928 (MoC76.65)

1928 sketch of Grantchester Mill inside front cover of Edgar Wallace’s ‘Again The Three Just Men’

Fire at Grantchester Mill 1928 (MoC3/191/70)


View of Grantchester mill site (photo DG 2022)

Grantchester Mill (photo DG 2022)

Then and Now (David Gent)

It is impossible to take today’s picture from the exactly the same spot due to all the wonderful willow trees. So I got as near as I could whilst still being able to see roughly the same view. The small house joining onto the old mill on the right is still there, but hidden from view by one of the willows. Look at the two arches in the bridge to work out where the old mill used to stand

Then and Now

Left ImageRight Image


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