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16 Station Road, St Mary’s Villa

History 16 Station Road


(St Mary’s Villa)

Alfred Isaac Tillyard, 29, Classical Master M A Cambridge, born Norwich

[Alfred had been living with his mother in Fitzwilliam Road in the 1870s]

Notable Residents – Alfred Isaac Tillyard (1870s)

Catherine S, 28, born Cambridge

Angelina Minett, servant, 18, born Littleport

Alfred Isaac Tillyard was a local newspaper proprietor and editor. His wife Catherine Sarah (nee Wetenhall) was a proponent of higher eduction for women. They had four children:

Aelfrida Catherine Wetenhall Tillyard 1883 – 1959, author, medium and lecturer of comparative religion

Henry Julius Wetenhall Tillyard (1881-1968) expert in Byzantine musicology

Conrad Francis Wetenhall Tillyard (1885 – 1888)

Eustace Madebille Wetenhall Tillyard (1889 – 1961) active in English Literature studied and Master of Jesus College Cambridge


(St Mary’s)

Arthur R Edwards

Elizabeth A

Evelyn M Owen, 19, wife’s sister,

Edith Roberts, 21, servant

Mary A Roberts, 18 servant


Arthur R Edwards, 45, Managing Director Engineering, born Suffolk

Elizabeth A, 39, born Wales

Elizabeth Hitch, servant,  23, born Ely

Elizabeth Edith Betts, 57, single, private means, born Suffolk

Gertrude Olive Glasscock, 24, general servant, born Bottisham


Miss Betts


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