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Darwin Trail Cover

The Darwin Family in Cambridge

A Special City Trail

The story of Charles Darwin’s family, from his paternal grandfather to his children and grandchildren, runs through the City of Cambridge like the river Granta-Cam itself. This specially-planned ‘Darwin Family Trail’ introduces you to a fascinating family history while helping you to enjoy a scientific adventure, taking in cemeteries, colleges, plaques, museums, libraries, the Botanic Garden, and other famous locations. It may be completed in a single ‘study day’, or followed piecemeal on different days, as time and inclination allow. Online material is also suggested. In the spirit of sustainability, tips are given on how to achieve the Trail using public transport. I very much hope that this Darwin experience may enhance your love of our renowned city.

Emeritus Professor Philip Stott. June 2024.

In June 2024 Professor Stott gave a talk to the Mill Road History Society to introduce the trail which you can watch below.

The following link will open the trail as a PDF document.

The Darwin Trail

These links will take the reader to the locations described in the trail document as they appear on Capturing Cambridge.

North Cambridge

1. Ascension Burial Ground

2. Trinity Hall, Wychfield Site

3. Fitzwilliam College

4. Murray Edwards College

City Centre

5. St John’s College

6. Boots

7. Christ’s College

8. Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences

9. The Bath House, Mill Road

10. Number 22 Fitzwilliam Street

11. Darwin College

12. Cambridge University Botanic Garden

South Cambridge

13. Trumpington Parish Extension Cemetery

14. Byron’s Pool

15. Addenbrooke’s Hospital Public Art



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